Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekly Update to October 23

My total miles this week reached 16.1, on target with my goal of increasing weekly mileage and the weekly long run.

Tuesday, Oct 18, Kent WA
I tried some 2 mile repeats.  I am not sure if that is much more than just varying the pace.  I did not get the same cardio benefits as quarter-mile or half-mile repeats, but it did keep me at the target pace longer than I would stayed have otherwise.
set 1 -- 20:00
set 2 -- 18:04
set 3 -- 19:30
set 4 -- 20:18
Total 8 miles in 77:52

Saturday, Oct 22, Lincoln NE
4.1 miles in 37:10 while the laundry was drying.I used the treadmill at the USX terminal.  If you drip sweat on the clothes while you are folding them, do they still end up cleaner than if you did not wash them at all?

Sunday, Oct 23, Lodi CA
When it got too hot to sleep in the sleeper, Cindy and I ate at Denny's, then I took off running around the Flying J area.  Got in four miles in about 43 minutes, with a break at the third mile to do some yoga positions. I prefer to do yoga away from the truckstop if I can.

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