Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lincoln NE

I ran a mile on the treadmill to calibrate my pedometer then enjoyed four miles of fartlek in the sunshine.
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Maryland Heights MO

Got in five miles at the Bally's. Discovered two things. My pedometer my be off. It seems strange that my stride is getting shorter as I train, but appearently it is. Maybe I am getting more efficient. Another thing is the reason I sweat profusely on treadmills. I ran a mile on their indoor track after a few miles on the treadmill. Running creates a six mph breeze! Ah ha
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Lincoln NE

I ran a mile on the treadmill to calibrate my pedometer then enjoyed four miles of fartlek in the sunshine.
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Long Run at Home

I ran 20 miles in 200 minutes then warmed down for a mile. Tried one GU twenty minutes before run and three during. I drank 70 ounces of water and kept sweating all the way to the end. No cramps during or after run.
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Hudson WI

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hudson WI

We had some time before our appointment to deliver in Bloomington MN so I moved my scheduled eight mile run to today instead of tomorrow. After a 10:00 mile warmup, I ran seven miles in 64 minutes. I warmed down coming back into the truckstop by alternating jogging and walking. A total of 9.36 miles. Legs felt fresher today.

62 degrees, sunny, lilac bushes in full bloom.
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Weehawken NJ

I got in 13 miles around the Secaucus area
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Friday, May 15, 2009

Newnan GA

A lap around the Pllot Truckstop is about a half-mile. I warmed up with a 10:00 mile, ran four 8:45 miles, then cooled down. Sort of. Although the sun was not up yet and the temperature was only 70, my shirt was wringingly wet. Literally. I created a puddle where I was wnging. The humidity must have been in the high 90s.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lansing MI

Got in five miles just as darkness settled in. Sixty degrees with occational light rain.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Salt Lake City UT

Even though I took a day to recover after my 50-mile week, my legs were a bit cranky about getting moving again. My calves were sore, my right knee complained, my back hurt, and I had to buck up my motivation. I think it is easier to pursue an impresive goal than to do something I've done before. Anyway, today was a beautful day for running. The sun was shining and the temperaure was in the 60s. I ran five miles in 46:45 drinking 16 oz of water.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

The Dalles OR

Cindy and I biked twenty miles along the river trail. Beautiful day for a ride. With the hills we climbed I translated the milage into eight running miles.

70 ish, sunny
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Portland OR

Today I finished off the highest-mile week of Hal Higdon's intermediate marathon program. Actually, he calls for. 44 miles, and I ran over 50. I had never been over 50 miles in a week and did not want to come so close but not get over.

19.25 miles. Mid 60's with occational rain.
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Boise Spring

Our load to Fresno got cancelled, sound familiar? Anyway, I thought it might be a great chance to redeem my run from yesterday. Today I ate before running, got hydrated, started off at a pace I liked, and kept in the game mentally.
What a difference! After a sub-twenty first two miles I felt great. I tried an eight-minute mile and finished it at 7:52 and went right back to my pace. I finished eight miles at well below 76 min and nine miles at 86:45. After a 6/10 mile jog to warm down I still felt like I could continue easily. Better save some for the eighteen miler this weekend, though.

66 degrees and sunny
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Boise ID

I wanted to try to run seven of my eight miles today at a 9:00 pace to test the viability of getting under 4:00:00 at the marathon. I was winded after the first mile, though, and never really got back into form. I finished with nine miles, but it was a struggle to run today. Legs felt heavy and never got into a good rythm. Also made a poor clothing choice. My cotton shirt got soaked in sweat and made me feel clammy, even in the chilly breeze while sweating more. Hot and clammy? Oh well, count it as a success to finish today.

52 partly cloudy
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fowler CA

After delivering, I ran five miles in 47 minutes then cooled down for another 6/10 of a mile.

84 degrees and sunny
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Kent Ballys

Weights and core
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kent WA

I ran 17 miles on the Interurban Trail in 164.75 minutes, then another to warm down. I did the seventeenth mile at a 9:00/mi pace. Great spring day for running!

Mid 50's to 60, partly cloudy
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Kent hotel

Ran seven miles on the treadmill at the Comfort Inn in Kent WA
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Friday, May 1, 2009

N Platte NE

We have an expedited load today. I still took the time to run four miles at marathon pace, 9:00 miles. I ran from the Flying J Truckstop to Hwy 30 and back.

52 degrees and overcast.
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