In 2005 I decided to "treat" myself for my 40th birthday. I would train for, and run, my marathon. I could finally get that sucker off my list. I trained for about four months, with the help of a friend who was about to run his 10th marathon.
I chose the PF Chang's Rock N Roll Marathon in Phoenix AZ in early 2006. A choice that most truck drivers would consider inadvisable (aka "crazy". (aka "what the heck were you thinking you nutcase?")) The last quarter of any year is when the money is made in trucking. The stores need to be filled with food and consumer goods for Thanksgiving and for Christmas, not to mention that companies are trying to reach end-of-the-year sales goals. Time to take care of deliveries is tight, and time off is rare.
In any event, I set my goal to finish the 26.2 miles (42.1km) before the street sweeper overran me. The course has a seven-hour limit. I made it in 4:48!

One unfortunate thing happened, though. Along the way, while trying to learn about running and marathons, I read an article that said most 1st-time marathoners do not run a second marathon. Something like 95% or so make one attempt and never try again. I thought to myself, "Self, we can do better than that." Self should have rose up and smote me about the head and shoulders for such a thought. Self was in a quite mood that day, I guess. Self is in for it now, though. The original plan was to stay in "marathon shape" for a while and take care of number two. A broken foot and ankle, then a round of cluster headaches put the cabash on that idea. (What is a cabash? Why do you put it places?)

Now, I (and self) are not in marathon shape. Now comes the crunch time: train and complete the second marathon. Also: do not read any articles about running that imply you are a wimp if you do not run at least three marathons.
Welcome to my journey,
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