Looking back over my running logs, I can see where the problem started.
In June, I was trying some quarter-mile repeats to increase my speed. In the past, I had had some over-use injuries when attempting speed-work, but after two marathons, and currently running 25 to 35 miles per week, I thought I could ease some speed-work into my routine.
"June 9th: Intervals 4X400, 1X600 (Maybe too fast on pace, left shin pain high, heel pain. Light rain 62 degrees. Path near Pilot Truckstop in Austintown OH)"
"June 14th: Easy 3 miles in Dubois PA (heel pain after, maybe try stretching?)"
"June 25th: Tempo 4 miles in El Paso TX (left heel pain--WHAT IS UP?)"
After months of dealing with a classic case of plantar faciitis, I finally cut my miles down to less than five, easy, miles per WEEK! After four weeks of getting jealous of people running over crosswalks, or complaining about putting in a few miles, I ran 2.25 miles and felt only a hot spot. Today I ran 3.5 easy miles and felt little pain.
So far so good...
For a person who used to hate to run, it is frustrating to finally convince myself that I LIKE to run, then be unable to do it. I wanted to run a nine-minute-mile marathon (3:55:48) but now that running was taken away from me for five months, I am determined to train for, and DON'T MESS WITH ME I will run a nine-minute-mile marathon.
I have lost a lot of fitness and leg-muscle tone. I know how to deal with being out of shape and I know how to deal with my legs being sore. It will not be easy, but I will return!